Linking Partners for Niger Delta Development

December 23, 2013

Impact of projects in the Niger Delta

“Little progress in Niger Delta after billions spent” words of President Goodluck Jonathan on Monday 16th Dec 2013 as he admonished the new board of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to ensure that all ongoing projects are completed before awarding any new contract and inaugurated a new board of the Commission at the Council Chambers of the Presidential Villa.
November 26, 2013

ICT for sustainable development in the Niger Delta – private sector responses

Since the UN Millennium Declaration, which advocated for free access to information and communication technologies (ICT) for all, ICT and the Internet in particular, have been lauded as important tools for sustainable development. Most development practitioners agree that ICT helps build more fair, equitable and diverse societies while opening up economic opportunity.
November 25, 2013

Coordinating WASH in the Niger Delta

November 20 and 21, PIND together with collaborating organizations UNICEF and NEWSAN (Society for Water and Sanitation), held the WASH (Water, Sanitation, &Hygiene education) Forum in Calabar, Cross River State. Present were NGOs from 6 states (Edo, Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, and Cross Rivers) and RUWASSA (Rural Water and Sanitation Support Agency) representatives. UNICEF presented their upcoming Niger Delta Support Program funded by the European Union. Other topics covered included the link between peace-building and WASH, possibilities for on-line support tools
November 24, 2013

Clean Cookstoves

Food preparation is central to family life. What if there are equally effective cooking option that didn’t involve harmful smoke and less fuel?
November 24, 2013

Solar Power

Despite the frequent cloud cover in the Niger Delta, technology has progressed so that solar power is a viable option for reliable energy.
November 24, 2013


WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene education – known as WASH – is a critical aspect of community development. Access to safe water, improved sanitation, and hygiene education is a foundation of community development - other development initiatives in areas such as basic education and literacy, disease prevention, maternal and child health, economic development, and peace and conflict resolution, will have more impact if WASH has first been addressed.
November 24, 2013

Tippy Tap

Hand washing with soap can reduce the incidence of diarrhoeal disease and acute respiratory infections in children by 50%.