Linking Partners for Niger Delta Development

June 30, 2016

[Organisation Spotlight] Centre for Social Awareness, Advocacy and Ethics (CSAAE)

The Centre for Social Awareness, Advocacy and Ethics Incorporated (CSAAE Inc) is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization established to address issues of poverty and underdevelopment […]
June 28, 2016

Building Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Capacity of CSOs in Agriculture and Forest Sectors (BICAS)

A three-year project to support rural communities in Nepal has been launched. BICAS (Building Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Capacity of CSOs (civil society organisations) in Agriculture […]
June 20, 2016

PIND policy brief on the Niger Delta Avengers

In February 2016, a new militant group, the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) was launched with the self-stated agenda of crippling the country’s crude production. The group carried out its first attack on a gas line on February 10th, 2016. This was followed by other coordinated attacks on oil and gas installations that has reduced the country’s oil and gas production, with a devastating effect on the country’s economy.
June 17, 2016

1,200 Niger Delta Households to Benefit from PIND Biosand Water Project

A total of 1,200 households are to benefit from the special safe potable water programme under the Dodo River Biosand Filter Project designed to address the problem of access to safe drinking water in most rural communities in the Niger Delta.