November 21, 2013 November 21, 2013Categories NDNews Press ReleaseInvestment In AgricultureThe Coalition for Investment in Agriculture is seeking investors to partner in pilot projects toward establishing an agro-based social enterprise.
November 21, 2013 November 21, 2013Categories NDNewsEnvironmental Sanitation Workshop at Emphasis Secondary School and Benviatto Group of SchoolsThe workshop was organized in conjunction with Nigerian Environmental Standards Regulation and Enforcement Agency (NESREA), to create awareness and imbibe good sanitation behavior on students and teachers
November 21, 2013 November 21, 2013Categories NDBlog NDNewsIMPROVING THE LIVES OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV IN IMO STATEThe importance of a support group of people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the fight against HIV
November 21, 2013 November 21, 2013Categories NDNewsSAVING A REJECTED FRIENDHow to fight stigma and discrimination against persons infected with HIV / AIDS