Vacancy: IPDU Intern at PIND | Deadline: Feb 18
February 4, 2020
Niger Delta Annual Conflict Report (January – December 2019)
February 5, 2020
In furtherance to the effort of the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) to implement the Bodo clean-up project, the BMI Project Director, Dr. Erich Gundlach, on Thursday 23 January 2020 took the site supervisors of the four remediation companies through a practical training session on how to characterize various grids in determining the level of oiling.
The site characterization training was set-out to assist the remediation companies who are implementing the Phase 2 Bodo cleanup project, delineate each grid and determine the level of oiling in different sediment types. This will help the companies to identify the methods and techniques to be deployed in the remediation of each site in accordance with government approved regulations.
Over eighty (80) pits were dug to analyze and determine the percentage of oiling in each of the pit. After the training, results from of each of the remediation contractors showed various level of oiling within the grid.
The training on site delineation was one of the agreements made during the BMI bi-weekly interface with the remediation contractors. The bi-weekly meeting is done to review progress, and proffer solutions to challenges faced by the contractors in course of implementing the Phase 2 Bodo cleanup project.
The four remediation companies, alongside their international partners, are now better equipped to delineate each work area and measure what level of effort may be required to clean-up the given grid.
About BMI
In 2013 the former Dutch Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Bert Ronhaar, took a personal interest in the Bodo case and he sought to assist in bringing about the clean-up, remediation, and restoration of oil impacted sites in Bodo. His consultation with the Nigerian government, SPDC, and the Bodo community led to the establishment of the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) which was set up to oversee and mediate throughout the clean-up project.
For more information on the phase 2 Bodo Clean-up/Mediation Initiative. Please contact:
Email: bmicommunications2@gmail.com | Twitter: @BMI_BodoCleanup | Facebook: BMI Bodo Cleanup