Niger Delta Conflict Tracker (July – August 2019)
September 12, 2019
EU Tasks Niger Delta States on Community Development
September 18, 2019
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) is a systematic method for surveying impacted shorelines and sensitive environments using standardized terminology to document shoreline oiling conditions. This international best practice which originated during the response to the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska in 1989, was first deployed in Bodo in May 2015. It was also executed during Phase 1 of the Bodo cleanup project and will run for the lifecycle of the project to help define clean-up targets and monitor progress.
The four remediation contractors selected for Phase 2 of the Bodo cleanup project were introduced to the general principles of SCAT in August 2019. Dr Erich Gundlach, the Project Director of the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI), addressed the contractors and presented the criteria and key performance indicators by which the Project Directorate and SCAT team will assess work performed during the 18 to 24-month project. The four (4) remediation contractors alongside their international technical partners will provide training for the 800 engaged Bodo community workers and execute remediation activities within the clean-up area to promote rejuvenation of the ecosystem.
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About BMI
In 2013 the former Dutch Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Bert Ronhaar, took a personal interest in the Bodo case and he sought to assist in bringing about the clean-up, remediation, and restoration of oil impacted sites in Bodo. His consultation with the Nigerian government, SPDC, and the Bodo community led to the establishment of the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) which was set up to oversee and mediate throughout the clean-up project.
For more information on the phase 2 Bodo Clean-up/Mediation Initiative. Please contact:
Email: bmicommunications2@gmail.com | Twitter: @BMI_BodoCleanup | Facebook: BMI Bodo Cleanup