Linking Partners for Niger Delta Development

January 28, 2015

[GUEST BLOG] Stand #UpForSchool: Every child deserves a safe place to learn

Imagine you couldn’t read or write. Or worse still, imagine you knew nothing of the world that exists beyond your hometown. For 57 million primary aged children who aren’t in school, there’s no need to imagine-this is their painful reality
January 19, 2015

[GUEST BLOG] Social Development Strategies: Matters Arising

Partnership has become a buzz word often used by development actors and organizations to demonstrate their belief in the approach and concept. Several development projects and initiatives in Nigeria and elsewhere have been built on the concept and principles of partnership.
January 7, 2015

Shell to Pay Approximately $83M for Niger Delta Oil Spills

Amnesty International and the Centre for Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) has welcomed an offer by oil giant Shell to pay the Nigerian Bodo community 55 million pounds ($83 million) in compensation for its oil spills in the Niger Delta in 2008
January 6, 2015

My Score Card as Director General, Imo State Directorate for Employment

There is every reason to thank God for the outgoing year as far as the history of the Imo State Directorate for Employment, Owerri is concerned. It was really a great year, one filled with new innovations and discussions for sustainable partnerships at various levels and among many critical stakeholders.
December 4, 2014

Interview with NDLink Program Manager, Ese Emerhi as NDLink wraps up its first year

Ese Emerhi has spent the last 5 years building online communities of practice, most recently with the World Bank Institute's Knowledge Exchange Unit, where she developed strategies and tactics to help emerging online community managers at the World Bank launch and maintain development communities across the world.
November 12, 2014

Register for the Niger Delta Development Forum NDDF Calabar

The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is hosting the third edition of its Niger Delta Development Forum (NDDF) at Monty Suites in Calabar, Cross Rivers State, on 25-26 November 2014, with the theme “Unlocking Investment Opportunities in Agriculture in the Niger Delta for Regional Competitiveness”.
November 3, 2014

Storify of #NDDF2014 Washington DC

The #NDDF2014 hashtag sought to support and enhance the success of the Niger Delta Development Forum (NDDF) in Washington, D.C. by engaging a wide range of stakeholders from across the world to raise awareness of NDDF and NDLink as a convening information platform and help build a sustainable future for the Niger Delta.
October 29, 2014

Niger Delta Development Forum NDDF 2014 Calabar

The Niger Delta Development Forum (NDDF) is a unique advocacy platform that informs and influences promotion of non-oil pro-poor policies, programs and interventions as well as leverage and advice on how resources from the public, private and development organizations can be effectively and efficiently utilized to promote inclusive and equitable economic growth.