Growing Anti-Police Insurgency in the Niger Delta – April 25 – May 1, 2021
April 30, 2021
Rivers State Legislators visit the Bodo Remediation Site
May 5, 2021
The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a Nigerian non-profit Foundation established in 2010 with initial funding by Chevron Corporation to support a
portfolio of socio-economic development programs for Nigeria’s Niger Delta in order to improve standards of living of communities in the region. PIND supports projects in collaboration with a diverse range of donor partners including bilateral and multi-lateral aid agencies, federal and state government agencies in Nigeria, private companies and foundations.
In 2013, PIND established the Partners for Peace (P4P) in Nine Niger Delta States and supported the formalization of the network by supporting the Network to institute a series of structures
and systems for governance, management and accountability such as: governance by a Board of Trustees; operational plan and policies; coordination and communications protocols and; physical office spaces. Formal structures and systems have enabled the P4P Network to plan, coordinate and execute interventions that have contributed to a peaceful environment for
Currently, PIND’s P4P Chapters have contributed to the transformation of the peace architecture in the Niger Delta. The Chapters have identified and addressed cult related violence, chieftaincy tussles, domestic violence, inter-communal violence, farmers/herders issues, election related violence, communal leadership tussles in over 51 interventions across the 9 states of the Niger Delta. The positive outcome and impacts of the Chapters as commended by stakeholders in the region necessitates the need to strengthen and increase the capacity of the Research and Documentation officers to Document success stories, Best practices, Collate data, Field pictures and Documentaries where necessary for programming,
qualitative reporting, Evaluation and Visibility.
Consequently, PIND seeks to engage a lead consultant to build the capacity of selected trainers from the P4P network in Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting on peace building and conflict management interventions. Specific areas for the training are: development and use of monitoring and evaluation frameworks, strategies and tools; including the formulation of indicators/targets and tracking of results, Data capturing/collation, and reporting results.
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