Opinion: The danger of an African passport
June 25, 2019
TOR for Consultant to create Abia State’s Long-Term Development Plan
June 28, 2019
Edo State, the project sponsor, is working in collaboration with the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) for engagement of this Project Manager. PIND is a Nigerian non-profit Foundation established in 2010 with initial funding by Chevron Corporation to support a portfolio of socio-economic development programs for Nigeria’s Niger Delta to improve the standards of living for communities in the region.
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The purpose of this assignment is to engage a Consultant to validate available baseline sector reports and co-develop a comprehensive long-term plan that covers policies for all priority sectors in Edo State. The Consultant will provide this technical assistance in Edo, as well as any other task as may be determined by the project steering committee in relation to the development of these long-term plans. The Consultant is to function and provide technical leadership in the high-level sector team comprising relevant Federal and State Ministries, Departments & Agencies (MDAs), civil society, development partners, and professional groups of the selected States.
Download TOR below to learn how to apply