#SMTuesdays- Social Media Don’ts (SMDonts)
June 20, 2016
Malaria Action Program (MAPS) trained 1,830 health workers in Akwa Ibom
June 24, 2016PIND policy brief on the Niger Delta Avengers
In February 2016, a new militant group, the Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) was launched with the self-stated agenda of crippling the country’s crude production. The group carried out its first attack on a gas line on February 10th, 2016. This was followed by other coordinated attacks on oil and gas installations that has reduced the country’s oil and gas production, with a devastating effect on the country’s economy. The federal government has responded to the renewed restiveness with mass deployments of security forces, including gunboats, warships and fighter jets in the region.
This policy brief gives a general overview and update on resurgence of militancy in the Niger Delta.