
Environmental and Rural Mediation Centre (ENVIRUMEDIC), is a non-governmental, nonprofits, and nonpartisan organisation. It was established in the year 2000, registered in Delta State and assumed legal status with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), in 2007.

Since 2006, ENVIRUMEDIC works on Local Rights Programme (LRP), in which it delineated twelve communities in three local government areas of Delta State to work with on the basis of excruciating poverty and their intensity of exclusion. The Organisation partner with these communities to advocate pro-poor issues of women’s rights as it relates to their alienation in decision making and land ownership, provision of basic amenities like market, road, electricity, health centres, and portable drinking water.

To ensure efficiency in the performance of its tasks, the Organisation builds its internal competences, develop practices and work plan as well as its work environment in its quest to promote pro-poor issues. It initiates and establishes functional community circles through REFLECT and groomed community facilitators.


To create a future where poverty is eradicated and people are living a life of dignity.


To work with the grassroots to promote holistic development programme  and improving Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights to eradicate poverty.


To achieve a poverty free rural-urban community in a sustainable way.


  1. To combat HIV/AIDS+TB, RH, STIs and other related infections, advocate for, counsel, care and support for PLWHA/PABA/OVC.
  2. To promote sustainable environmental management, climate change mitigation & adaptation measures and education (i.e. creating awareness) to reduce further degradation.
  3. To initiate and promote programmes that will fight against Poverty, Bribery and Corruption and improve transparency in the public, private and NGO sector.
  4. To give free medical assistance to the rural populace through provision of drugs and sex education.
  5. To conduct research and promote studies on man and the environment, reproductive health and sexual behaviour in both sexes, their motivations, consequences and how such behaviour can be influence positively.
  6. To also conduct or embark on test and measurement on government projects, such as project monitoring and evaluation, socio-economic assessment, good governance evaluation etc.
  7. To embark on manpower development and capacity building.
  8. To give free environmental consultancy services to communities of the Niger Delta Areas faced with oil pollution/Natural disaster.
  9. To establish a research center for a detail assessment of detail assessment of demographic and environmental impact of oil activities on the host communities.
  10. To network with other organization/associations working towards the enthronement of social justice in Nigeria.
Envirumedic.jpeg 8 years ago
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