
Center for Development Support Initiatives is an NGO/CSO aimed at Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods, Capacity Building and Development in rural communities.

  • Our Mission

    Our Mission is to eradicate poverty and improve sustainable livelihood through the application of integrated and innovative approaches in training, service delivery and researches

    Our Vision

    A foremost and vibrant development organization successful in capacity building and improving the quality of life of the rural dwellers so  they can become productive partners in development

  • We Promote Good Governance and Sustainable Development in Rural Communities.
  • Our programs and projects are integrated, community driven, people focused and result oriented with an ultimate goal of improving the quality of life of our targets and incorporating them into the decision making and development processes
cedsi.jpg 8 years ago
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Showing 1 result
The ABIA-CSDP which is among 26 other actively participating CSDP states was established as an ag...
Environmental and Rural Mediation Centre (ENVIRUMEDIC), is a non-governmental, nonprofits, and no...
Dodo River Communities Rural Development Association (DODO RDA) is a community based Organization...
Schlumberger is an E&P oilfield company providing services such as supplying technology, info...
Showing 1 - 4 of 21 results