Nigeria’s Annual Flood Outlook Report for 2023(NIHSA)
August 25, 2023
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August 30, 2023The PIND Foundation and the Fund for Peace will facilitate a Roundtable for constructive dialogue focused on how peacebuilding can safeguard and enhance investment opportunities in the Niger Delta.
At over 450 billion dollars, Nigeria’s economy is the largest in Africa. And the engine of that economy is the Niger Delta region. Investment in the Niger Delta will promote livelihoods and opportunity there, and in the country as a whole. This includes the oil sector, ICT, and strategic value chains such as palm oil, cassava, and aquaculture, among others.
However, to maintain and promote a positive enabling environment for the long-term profitability of investment, a vital component is peacebuilding. In situations of insecurity or potential conflict, strategic and coordinated peacebuilding efforts are key for de-risking investments and catalyzing broad based sustainable development in the region.
To that end, partnerships with business, civil society, investors, and multilateral organizations can create synergies for early warning, risk assessments, Do-NO-Harm, and conflict sensitive business practices that will ultimately lead to a more peaceful and profitable business environment for both companies and communities.
This Roundtable will focus on the positive impacts from years of investment and sustainable development in Nigeria, explore lessons learned to support corporations and development actors to invest in peacebuilding-development processes, and gather experiential evidence from panelists and audience on methods and impact of peacebuilding on investment and development. The panel will be moderated by Aline Varre from the PIND Foundation.
Ambassador John Simon, Total Impact Capital
Tam Nguyen, Bechtel
Heather Kulp, Chevron
Tunji Idowu, PIND Foundation
Launched in 1996, the Human Rights and Business Roundtable (HRBRT) was the first forum designed for multinational businesses, governments, and mainstream human rights organizations to discuss issues of common concern in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, and confidentiality. The HRBRT continues to serve as an invaluable resource for corporations, NGOs, and governments to work together to promote human rights, good corporate practices, and sustainable development.
To Register, please click on the link below:
Date and time
Thursday, August 31 · 10 – 11:30 am EDT/ 3-4:30 pm WAT