Ugonna Thelma
July 6, 2017
Attaining SDGs: a Tough Task for Nigeria — Prof Maiturare
July 8, 2017Youths are one of the greatest assets that any nation can have. Not only are they legitimately regarded as the future leaders, but they are also potentially and actually the greatest investment for a country’s development. Young women and men are, in particular, recognized as a vital resource whose prospects are inextricably tied to that of their country. They are the valued possession of any nation or region: without them, there can be no future. They are the center of reconstruction and development. They serve as a good measure of the extent to which a country can reproduce as well as sustain itself. The extent of their vitality, responsible conduct, and roles in society is positively correlated with the development of their country. Programmes and policies that focus on the wholesome development of young people and their active participation in various sectors of nation building are increasingly being emphasized on a global level. The recognition of this fact led to the development of a National Youth Policy
The Policy is currently being reviewed and we were proud to partner with Youth Hub Africa, CENYED and iSPED to host the Rivers Edition of the National Youth Policy Dialogue.
Download a draft of the policy below