Patrick Naagbanton: Night has dropped its dark ink on my dark palms
November 20, 2019
Official Commissioning of the Phase 2 Bodo Cleanup Project
November 20, 2019
After a major effort by oil spill remediation contractors, Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI), Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and the Bodo community, the cleanup of contaminated areas of about 1000 hectares along Bodo shorelines and creeks are ready to begin.
This was evident as the cleanup and restoration workers from the four selected spill response companies carried out a field demonstration of flushing and booming techniques on Saturday, November 9, 2019, at Patrick’s waterside (numuu Tekuru). This was to mark the final day of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) training conducted by international spill response companies.
Various oil spill removal equipment which includes oil skimmers, flushing/washing hose, hard booms, absorbent pads, etc. has been stockpiled by the four remediation contractors and verified as ready for deployment by the BMI and SPDC technical team.
Over 800 workers and supervisors have passed medical and swim test examinations and have been certified as to IMO level 1 cleanup training standards, and supervisors to IMO level 2.
Personal protection gear has been issued to all workers who will be participating in the cleanup project.
Proudly, the remediation effort in Bodo is ready to go!
About BMI
In 2013 the former Dutch Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Bert Ronhaar, took a personal interest in the Bodo case and he sought to assist in bringing about the clean-up, remediation, and restoration of oil impacted sites in Bodo. His consultation with the Nigerian government, SPDC, and the Bodo community led to the establishment of the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) which was set up to oversee and mediate throughout the clean-up project.
For more information on the phase 2 Bodo Clean-up/Mediation Initiative. Please contact:
Email: bmicommunications2@gmail.com | Twitter: @BMI_BodoCleanup | Facebook: BMI Bodo Cleanup