The Murder of an unsung Hero: Baribefe Bornu
October 16, 2019Niger Delta Conflict Tracker (August – September 2019)
October 23, 2019
During Phase 2 cleanup at Bodo starting in 2019, the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) will use the internationally accepted Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) to determine the level of oiling at specific locations and to confirm that contractors have removed the contamination to the required level depending on land use and as approved by the regulatory agencies. The SCAT process was previously applied during Phase 1 in 2017 and 2018 for both pre-cleanup and post-cleanup site assessments and contractor monitoring.
The Murder of an Unsung Hero: Baribefe Bornu
Bodo Clean-up and Remediation Project: Medical and Swim Certification of Workers Underway
The SCAT field team consists of representatives from the regulators (the federal agencies of National Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) and Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), and from Rivers State Ministry of Environment), the Bodo community, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), and international experts. In the field, the level of oiling observed in pits 25 to 40 cm deep and the overall site conditions are mutually agreed upon and representatives sign each field form in confirmation. The 1000 hectares work area is subdivided into over 350 smaller units called grids. If a grid is confirmed by SCAT as meeting Phase 2 cleanup criteria, the information is submitted to the BMI Director for verification. This process does not usurp any regulatory requirements but works with them to ensure that work is appropriately done with respect to the specific environmental conditions of the creeks and former mangrove areas of Bodo.
Activities leading to full mobilization to site is currently underway with medical fitness and swim test of over 800 community workers who will be involved in the cleanup work which is expected to be concluded in October 2019.
About BMI
In 2013 the former Dutch Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Bert Ronhaar, took a personal interest in the Bodo case and he sought to assist in bringing about the clean-up, remediation, and restoration of oil impacted sites in Bodo. His consultation with the Nigerian government, SPDC, and the Bodo community led to the establishment of the Bodo Mediation Initiative (BMI) which was set up to oversee and mediate throughout the clean-up project.
For more information on the phase 2 Bodo Clean-up/Mediation Initiative. Please contact:
Email: | Twitter: @BMI_BodoCleanup | Facebook: BMI Bodo Cleanup