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September 4, 2015Meet Ifeyani!! Â Ifeanyi is a talented professional with skills and experience ranging from systems design, renewable energy, installation/maintenance, business development, project management, GIS-based rural electrification planning, policies/strategy formulation, and conflict resolution.
With a 5-year tax holiday and having the largest indigenous Development Financial Institution (DFI) in West Africa as a shareholder and Board member, GVE has grown its core focus to include scalability, replicability, sustainability and capacity building through engaging locals in various communities. GVE Projects Ltd has attracted the collaboration of several national and multinational organizations, including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), United States African Development Foundation, General Electric, Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers- USA, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bank of Industry Nigeria (BOI), and Deliotte- Nigeria.
Ifeanyi holds a B.Eng in Electrical Electronics Engineering from the Federal University of Technology in Owerri, Nigeria. He is a certified Project Manager and has had professional experiences in leading multinational companies, like ExxonMobil, Shell Nigeria & NIIT, to name a few. He has participated in trainings on corporate finance, new venture finance, operations management, public private partnerships and marketing. He is also a member of the Global Shapers Community, Port-Harcourt Hub (an initiative of the World Economic Forum). As a member of the Junior Chamber International Nigeria, an international NGO aimed at grooming young leaders and entrepreneurs, he plays a strategic role in the leadership and future direction of that organization.
How did you hear about NDLink and PIND Foundation?
I heard about PIND Foundation in 2012 when The Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers USA (one of our partners) introduced me to Ms. Nancy Gilbert (PIND’s Appropriate Technology Development Manager). Since then we’ve been working together on various community initiatives programs, like providing insight on energy efficiency and renewable energy design for the ATED building. I got to know about NDLink through Mr. Sylvester Okoh (PIND’s Field Project Manager) who was a supervisor for one of our projects when he was with the RSSDA. Since I registered on the platform in July 2015, I have realized there are various value-added donor projects in the Niger Delta that were in the dark, but NDLink has helped to shed light on this gray area for development actors to know what is going on in the region and in their communities.
What is your vision for NDLink?
I really hope NDLink will be a veritable tool for development information for all stakeholders in the Niger Delta. I will continue to provide my support and insight for the ATED unit of PIND as well as contribute my quota to develop the NDTechnology page of NDLink by providing articles and insights that will inform the people of the Niger Delta.