
Foundation For Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development(FENRAD) is a not-for-profit, Non-governmental organization and was founded in 2004 as Foundation For Environment, Human Rights, & Good Governance (FENHRGG) and was formerly registered with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Abuja in 2012 with registration number CAC/IT/NO 48555 under the Federal Republic of Nigeria laws. It has focus on Human rights, Democracy and Good governance, Environmental Protection and Social Justice.
FENRAD’s mission is to promote and protect the interest of the vulnerable groups and the environment through the direct involvement of all stakeholders to ensure sustainable development and ensure the Human rights are uphold and protected. FENRAD over the years have actively play a significant role in Community Development, community social mobilization activities, policy analysis/Advocacy and Human Rights work for more than five years, focusing on various aspects of Community development, Electoral Process, Budgetary monitoring and Evaluation, Governance, social policy, human rights, social justice, and environmental management & Justice in the Niger-Delta Region

FENRAD Projects Staffs have a considerable experience in the design and implementation of pro-poor and environment based policies and projects across various areas of work in southeast and Niger-Delta Region. Most of the projects centers’ on Environmental protection and preservation, Governance Budget, Electoral Process, Policy Monitoring and Advocacy, Environmental and Health Management, community Development, Gender, Human Rights and social justices. FENRAD been involved in the review of laws and the drafting of governance, environmental and social legislations towards improving the environmental & Human Rights of the oil producing communities especially in the conflict assessment and Peace Building Initiative through the DRA(DISPUTE RESOLUCTION ALTERNATIVE) which is aim at early warning and mitigation of crises in the communities
FENRAD has SIX (6) members serving on the Board of Trustees. The Board is constituted by nomination from the organization’s members and trusted members of the public whose passion aligned with the mission of the organization.
Presently, FENRAD has four full-time staff which includes the Executive Director, the Program Manager on Community Development, and the Program Manager on Environment& Human Rights and Head of Administration/Finance. We engage program officers, Assistants and volunteers as the organization sign into any project. From 1999 to 2003 its principle founder (Executive Director) served as a member of the UNDP- DFID Project and UNDP had built the technical and managerial capacity of the organization in decentralized development and Electoral process. In addition, considerable capacity has been attained by the organization’s management in the areas of financial management and administration. The organizations programs and projects have been supported by UNDP, Commonwealth Education Fund / Action Aid International Nigeria (CEF/AAIN), Global Fund, Joint Donor Basket Fund/UNDP, UNDP-DGD, and many coalitions and networks.
FENRAD is a member of the Nigeria Election Situation Room & Transition monitoring Group (TMG) where her staffs were trained as a team of the organization on training of trainers for election monitoring.
FENRAD has executed a number of projects in election, environment and social justice. The election related projects which the organization had executed are 1999 and 2003 voters’ education in selected communities in Abia State; 2003 and 2007 training of election observers; also in 2007, we facilitated the State Level Dialogue on MDGs and the 2007 election for political aspirant into elective position. We participated in the monitoring of election in 2007 and 2011 General Election especially in Abia State..Presently FENRAD recently Monitored the CVR & PVC Exercise in both Abia State and Enugu State,FENRAD is a member of the Transition Monitoring Group (TMG). Nigeria Election Situation Room (SR), Coalition For business and Human Rights(CBHR) Civil Society Coalition on Poverty Eradication (CISCOPE), Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA), Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Nigeria, Niger Delta Universal Periodic Review Coalition (UPR) Southeast Development Agenda(SEDA) Southeast Governance Network(SEGON), Green Alliance Network (GEN) West Africa Civil Society Forum (WACSOF)) Nigeria. Climate Change Sustainable Development Network, Nigeria, Niger Delta Anti Corruption Network (NIDAN) .National Coalition on Gas flaring and Oil spills in the Niger Delta (NACGOND). Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA).Nigeria Constitutional Review committee.(NCRC). HUMAN RIGHTS NETWORK AGENDA (HRAN)
Contact Person: Comrade Nelson Nnanna Nwafor
Executive Director
Email;fenradnigeria@yahoo.com, info.fenradnigeria@gmail.com


FENRAD aim and objectives which includes
– promoting sustainable environmental management and nature conservation and protection.
– To promote human rights, social justice, democracy and good governance.
– To empower youths and women in rural communities in line with international human rights treaties.
– To engage in other programs capable of alleviating poverty in the society.
– To collaborate and network with local and international organizations.
-To engage in budgetary process through Education and Awareness creation.
-To engage the state Actors on budget implementations and oversights.

FENRAD strength includes
– well equipped resource centre with soft and hard copy publications on sustainable development issues and programmes and projects.
– Well trained facilitators who could facilitate multi stakeholder dialogue and community engagement.
– Good working relationship with state and non-state actors

Thematic area(s) or core work areas as well as geographical location Thematic Areas of Work;
1.Environmental protection and preservation
1.Good Governance(Electoral process)
3.Budget Network and Tracking
4. Human Rights & Peace Building initiative.
5.Conflict Resolution & Trade Policy Intervention.

Address (including social media platforms and telephone) SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM
Facebook: fenradnigeria
Twitter: fenradnigeria
Skype: fenradnigeria
Linklden: Fenradnigeria
Website: http://www.fenradnigeria.org(in view)


fenrad.jpeg 8 years ago
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