Niger Delta Conflict Tracker (April – May 2019)
July 11, 2019
TOR to engage consultants to build the Capacity of Cocoa BMOs working with PIND in Ondo State | Deadline: July 22
July 16, 2019
Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) launched the Capacity Building for Local Empowerment (CAPABLE) initiative in 2012 to upgrade the institutional and technical capacities of local civil society and business membership organizations to enhance their competitiveness in accessing development resources and improve service delivery in communities where they operate.
PIND is at this time intending to find out the outcome of this intervention and its impact on the benefiting partner organizations. To this end, the TOR below is requesting an interested and available consultant to conduct an assessment of the CAPABLE intervention outcome and prepare a detailed report which captures significant changes experienced by the target groups of CAPABLE benefiting organizations, the perceptions of these groups on the quality of services received, and the contribution played by the CAPABLE intervention in bringing these changes about.
Editor’s Pick
I attended CAPABLE training — Friedrick Igere
Niger Delta Conflict Tracker (March – April 2019)
PIND awards sub-grants under NDYEP project to nine partner organizations
Niger Delta Conflict Tracker (April – May 2019)
If you are interested and available within the time stipulated in the TOR, kindly forward your expressions of interest and other required documents to procurement@pindfoundation.org; before the 15th of July 2019. Only candidates whose expressions of interest clearly address the scope and terms of this TOR will be invited for interview and if successful engaged for this service.
Also, see below PIND’s bio data form to be completed and submitted along with your expressions of interest.
Download TOR
Download Bio-Data Form