“The Bridges Project’s overall objective is to complement and support the outlines of the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) propositions and give voice to the other stakeholders in the PIA process, especially the communities,” he said. “This support will involve creating awareness and understanding of the requirements of the Act and setting up a multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) that will ensure the interests of the communities are adequately protected and enhanced. It also includes building the capacities of stakeholders to ensure that communities receive value from the HCDTs.”
He said the project’s main goal was to ensure the active involvement of all stakeholders and that all interests are well represented in the implementation process while fostering sustainable impact. He added that the project activities include creating awareness and deepening knowledge of the PIA’s technical components among community stakeholders.
“Through capacity-building workshops like this one, we are providing NGOs and CSOs with the necessary knowledge and tools to deliver effective services related to the requirements of the PIA to settlors and communities,” he said. “This workshop will ensure enough capacity in the region to provide the requisite services: needs assessment, development plans, etc., under the PIA to make the Trusts succeed.”
The three-day event included comprehensive training and work sessions on conducting a needs assessment, data analysis, development of community development plans, conflict management, and monitoring and evaluation. NNF primarily facilitated these sessions. Over 30 representatives of 15 organizations from Ondo, Delta, and Bayelsa States participated and gained an improved knowledge of the provisions of the PIA.
In closing remarks, Mr. Ofulue commended the participants for their dedication and focus. He urged them to apply the lessons learned in helping communities effectively participate in the PIA implementation process.
The Bridges Project will be implemented in five Niger Delta states: Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta, Rivers, and Ondo – the epicenter of oil and gas extractive activities in the region. The capacity-building workshop is one of the three components of the project. Others are an awareness creation workshop and a multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) comprised of carefully selected experts and critical stakeholders representing the communities, settlors, civil society, and the government. Members of the MSP will ensure stakeholders maximize the benefits of the PIA in their respective communities by utilizing the HCDT funds appropriately.
Source: https://pindfoundation.org/bridges-project-capacity-building-workshop-niger-delta-ngos-cbos-pia/