Request for Applications – Internship to support PIND’s Integrated Peace and Development Unit (IPDU)
January 25, 2024
Niger Delta Weekly Conflict Update: January 21-27, 2024
January 26, 2024OPEN:
The engaged institutions or organizations will be required to provide technical vocational and soft skills training, mentorship to support start-up enterprises and job linkages to selected youth participants under the PIND’s Youth Employment Program (YEP) in the four States. The technical training will be in the area of competence in Agriculture, Building Construction, ICT, and Services, or other identified skills areas for selected coastal communities where applicable. The organization(s) will develop a structured vocational curriculum that will enhance the skill set of the participants. The selected institution should also have the capacity to deliver soft-skills training to strengthen participants’ mindsets and behavior. At the end of the vocational and softskills training, selected institutions will be responsible to link successful participants with opportunities for employment or support them to start their own enterprises as this is a key component of the NDYEP model adopted on the program.
Four (4) priority sectors were among those strongly recommended by the LMA exercise carried out in the 4 states and a scoping study conducted in some coastal communities in Delta State. Against this background, therefore, PIND is seeking to engage institutions/organizations who are competent with requisite training facilities in the four states; Abia, Akwa Ibom, Rivers, and Delta States to provide technical vocational and soft skills training and post-training support on the Youth Employment Pathways Program. Each organization or institution is expected to quote for one sector in a chosen state. Only current implementing partner organizations with exceptional capacity can apply for a limited number of youths for training in more than 1 state.
Scope of work & Specific objectives
The key activities to be covered under the engagement are as follows:
- Curriculum Development & Work Planning: For any of the selected sectors (Agriculture, Building Construction, ICT, Services, and other identified skill areas for the coastal communities), the institution will develop or adapt the already developed curriculum in the vocational trade area selected. The curriculum should meet the minimum national trade skill requirement and should be sufficient to enhance the capacity of participants and career development in the selected trade. The curriculum should span a training period of about 6 months and should include both classroom theoretical and hands-on practical training. The curriculum should be simplified for the understanding of young school leavers who will be part of the target participants.
- Technical Vocational / Soft-Skill Training: The institution should have the capacity (competent human resources and facilities) to undertake the technical vocational training for the specified period in the selected trade. The institution should be independent and in complete or significant control of the career development process of selected participants. The training team should also have the capacity to influence the positive formation of mindsets and behaviour of youth participants to support and enhance their technical vocational skills training in the State and within selected coastal communities. The training will last a minimum of 6 months depending on the selected trade.
- Job Linkages and Enterprise Development Support: The implementing institution or organization will explore opportunities and link all successful participants to waged employment. An alternate pathway for participants who seek to develop their enterprises will be supported by implementing organizations through a structured enterprise development program. The program WILL NOT offer starter packs to any participant or group.
- Continuous Implementation of Employability Program: Participating Institutions or organizations should have a structured work relationship with relevant government actors or agencies in their state. It is expected that the implementing organization will continue to work with the government institutions for sustainability of the program beyond the funding phase.
- Report on the Assignment: The implementing institution or organization will make periodic reports on the progress of the assignment. Three (3) copies of the adapted curriculum, trainers’ manual and participants’ handbook for reference will be printed as well as a final report on the entire assignment.
Eligible organizations are invited to submit detailed technical and cost proposals AS SEPARATE DOCUMENTS using the template provided in appendix 1 and 2 below, to procurement@pindfoundation.org not later than two weeks from the date of this call for proposal (see the timeline for submission below). Please use “Application for YEP Grant Sector Name” (Example ‘Application for YEP Grant Building Construction’) as the subject of your email.
Note that organizations can only apply for one (1) sector; though the application could cover many related skill areas within the institution’s competence.
- The technical proposal will have i) Narrative section outlining the project for which the grant is requested, the expected results and key activities (not more than 7 pages excluding attachments).
- Cost proposal (detailed budget and notes as applicable). Budget template is attached in Appendix 2. The financial section should also indicate any cost shares or contributions from the organization where applicable.
The technical proposal will be submitted electronically (in Word), the cost proposal in Excel format, while any support documents might be in PDF.
Timeline for Submission of proposals: on or before 5pm, Wednesday, February 7, 2024
For comprehensive instructions on the Scope of work and the application requirements, please download the TOR using the link below
ToR-for-PIND-YEP-Technical-Vocational-Training_2024.pdf (317 downloads )