Who are the NDPartners?
NDPartners are companies, organizations and agencies who provide funding support to the NDLink mission of providing an information and communication platform for development actors working in the Niger Delta to build partnership(s), expand capacity and coordinate with one another to achieve the same goal: the sustainable development of the Niger Delta region
Who can be an NDPartner?
Any company, organization or agency that believes in the mission of NDLink and is willing to support the achievement of the mission through funding support can become a partner. NDLink partnership opportunity is open to all: public and private, and local and international companies, organizations and agencies
How can you become an NDPartner?
Provide development data for our platform
Sponsor campaigns on our website and on Social media
Sponsor a page/column on NDLink
Host Writing Master classes for our NDLink Contributors
Become a Coach/Mentor for our Champions who lead conversations online
Sponsor reporting trips to produce in depth development stories and reports on the Niger Delta
Sponsor any of the development data pages on the platform
Sponsor NDLink Contributors of the Year Award
Fund research/studies to generate development data of interest
What do Partners Stand to gain?
Partners will enjoy free sponsored posts about them on NDLink
NDLink will serve as a platform for external communications and advertisements for all NDPartners
Most importantly the satisfaction of contributing to the overall development agenda of the Niger Delta.
Who should I contact to become an ND Partner?
Companies, organizations or agencies who are interested to become an NDPartner can send an expression of interest to info@ndlink.org or call +234 (0) 8090475854.