January 5, 2014Development Alternatives Inc (DAI)
January 5, 2014Crown Agents Ltd is an international development company with head office in the United Kingdom. Its main focus is to help governments around the world to increase prosperity, reduce poverty and improve health by providing consultancy, supply chain, financial services and training.
Incorporated as a private limited company Crown Agents Ltd has only one shareholder – the Crown Agents Foundation, a not-for-profit company.
Crown Agents Ltd’s registered office is in Sutton in Surrey, 11 miles southwest of central London.
Crown Agents is an international development company that helps countries to grow their economies, strengthen health systems and improve financial management, through consultancy, supply chain management and financial services.
Crown Agents works with clients in more than 100 countries, major multilateral agencies, such as the World Bank,European Commission, United Nations agencies and bilateral donors such as DFID, KfW, SIDA, CIDA and the Danish, Japanese and U.S. governments.
It has provided governmental services as large as the Customs system of Angola,transforming the central medical stores in Zambia and the Value added tax (VAT) system of Lesotho. It works on sustainable development supporting more effective trade and transit corridors,food security and health systems strengthening.
Projects include improving the livelihood of poor and vulnerable people in South East Asia (SEACAP) and addressing the challenges of providing reliable access for poor communities in Africa.[Crown Agents is active in the environmental change arenaand is using emerging technologies to contribute to aid effectiveness and value for money in various projects. Helping governments to overcome corruption is another important development task addressed by Crown Agents, including in the collection of tax and customs revenue.Crown Agents Bank is one of the UK’s leading banks for disbursement of development aid.
Crown Agents is a member of the Partnership for Supply Chain Management, a partnership of 13 private sector, nongovernmental and faith-based organizations that implements the SCMS project, providing a reliable, cost-effective and secure supply of products for HIV/AIDS programs.