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June 14, 2024The Federal Government of Nigeria in a bid to enhance the country’s economic and human capital development through evidence-based policy and strategy formulation, integration in budget planning, resource allocation and utilization, good governance, and accountability launched the National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy . Following the conclusion of the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP 2017-2020), a new Medium-Term National Development Plan has been established for the period 2021 to 2025. This plan highlights the Government’s aim to track, monitor progress, and evaluate these national commitments to ensure that strategies, policies, programs, and projects meet the set expectations and benefit the citizens.
This National Monitoring and Evaluation Policy provides a foundation for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) practices across all levels of government in Nigeria. It aims to utilize M&E as a tool to measure results, link evaluation evidence to policy, planning, and budgeting processes, and promote public accountability and learning for improved performance. Performance assessments and lessons learned will help the government foster an evidence-based policy decision-making culture and practices in Nigeria.
Click here to Download Full Document: NPC-MNEP-LATEST.pdf (367 downloads )