Knowledge Management Specialist at DAI
September 7, 2018Niger Delta Youth Employment Pathways Project – Sub-Grants Program
September 20, 2018A Request for Application for the Evaluation of the Niger Delta Development Forum

Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a Nigerian non-profit foundation established in 2010 with initial funding by Chevron Corporation to support a portfolio of socio-economic development programs for Nigeria’s Niger Delta in order to improve standards
of living of communities in the region.
In 2012, PIND established the Niger Delta Development Forum (NDDF) as an annual forum for multi-stakeholder conversations on economic development and for meaningful development discourse in the Niger Delta. The forums are catalytic information sharing and collaboration
opportunities for government, the private sector, and civil society organizations pursuing approaches for equitable and inclusive economic growth in the Niger Delta. NDDF also provides a platform to connect with other partners to collectively pursue improved development policies
and practices in the Niger Delta. The Forum is rotated among the Niger Delta states, and have taken place in the United Kingdom and United States of America.
As the flagship advocacy event of PIND Foundation, the Forum is raising the visibility of the Foundation as the go-to development agency in the region. Since its establishment, the Forum has been able to shape policies through its annual development forums and other high-level
policy engagements. In recent times, conscious efforts have been made to place more emphasis on strategic interventions without de-emphasizing the other functions of the Forum. In a bid to further influence public policy in the Niger Delta region, the Forum plansto conduct an evaluation
and learning review to enhance the likely utilization of both the findings and the process itself to inform decisions and improve performance.
The evaluation will be rooted firmly in the vision of the Forum, which is to foster an environment of forthright dialogue and inquiry, collective action, networking and greater accountability among all parties.
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