Current Job Vacancies at INTERSOS
August 23, 2018Deputy Director of Operations at International Rescue Committee
August 23, 2018Consultant (Cinematograher for Migration Project) at ActionAid Nigeria

ActionAid is an anti-poverty agency that prioritises works with the poor and excluded; promoting values and commitment in civil society, institutions and Governments with the aim of achieving structural changes in order to eradicate injustices and poverty in the world. ActionAid Nigeria is an affiliate of ActionAid International, an International Non-Governmental organisation registered in The Netherlands with its headquarters in Johannesburg South Africa. ActionAid International works in more than 40 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Consultant – Cinematograher for Migration Project
Location: Nigeria
Project Overview: Goal(s) and Outcome(s)
The MIGRATION Project:
- Creating alternatives to migration through socio – economic development project in Borno and Edo States is aimed at creating job opportunities especially for young generation. The project specifically tackles the issue of unemployment, by directly supporting 1500 and 2000 youths in Borno and Edo states respectively through trainings and mentoring, Sensitisation of 200,000 youths on the dangers of irregular migration and reduce vulnerability of 2000 youths to conflict and natural disasters.
- Overall, the project targets a population of 205,500 persons: 5,500 direct beneficiaries (through trainings and support on livelihood and conflict prevention skills) and 200,000 indirect beneficiaries (through Sensitisation).
In order to achieve the objective, the following expected results will be achieved:
- Provision of sustainable income alternative;
- Improve knowledge and information on the risks and opportunities related to the migratory processes, and in particular to irregular migration;
- Implementation of conflict prevention and management tools in the areas affected by armed clashes
- As the project enters its final phase, it is important that the project is able to documents its success making use of virtual tools available such as videos. The documentary process is expected to; help document the impact during the life of the project, documentation that feeds into the end of project evaluation and provide pointers for consolidating the progress by highlighting key areas for developing further engagement in the MIGRATION locations by the partners.
Target audience/s:
- The target audience for the stories of change documentary is the donor, general public in Nigeria and the Nigerian media. The stories of change documentary should help the audience;
- See that the MIGRATION project has contributed in building the consciousness of its target groups against irregular in Edo and reselince against forced migration in Borno.
- Believe that the MIGRATION project in these states have contributed to changing attitudes towards irregular and forced migration in Edo and Borno respectively.
- Do compel the audience to tell the story of MIGRATION on social media and other platforms. The content should also help inspire the audience to take action by sharing the content as a best practice and inspire donors to want to support ActionAid further.
Tone and Style:
- The video we are collecting for the Migration project will tell the stories of communities, women, girls and youthd whose lives has been positively impacted by the project.
The interviews should:
- Be filmed in the community environs
- Be personal, conversational in tone (not formal, serious, or rigid)
- Be largely accompanied by B-Roll footage that corresponds to what the Interviewee is speaking about (i.e. limited ‘talking head’)
- Include some emotional reaction and/or personal reflection on the process that led to the result rather than just objective narration of technical details.
- The documentary should tell a complete story by triangulating interviews of beneficiaries, community and state level stakeholders while focusing on the issues and stories of change.
- The video should not be heavily stylized but clear and simple in its filming and editing techniques.
- There should be close-ups and reaction shots of different community members during any and all community activities (with a higher focus on women, children and youth, and people with disabilities)
- There should be footage of the community’s daily life and environs incorporated into the video to add context.
- Where state level stakeholders are interviewed, relevant B-roll footages relating to the context should be used.
- The tone of the video should be light, not formal and rigid. It should be positive and upbeat.
- The video should be inspiring stories about people and the issues they confront and how the MIGRATION project has impacted their lives positively. Please note that it is not about ActionAid, hence the video should focus on people’s stories (with ActionAid perhaps playing a facilitating role).
Technical compatibility and deliverables
- All content should be shot in 16:9 aspect ratios. Standard Definition (SD) footage should be in PAL format, High Definition (HD) footage should be at 50i or 25p frame rates. If there are operational reasons for using any other format, please agree this in advance with ActionAid Nigeria’s Communications Unit.
- Consultant will make available to ActionAid Nigeria rushes and master tapes of this project as well as make all reasonable efforts to safeguard the rushes and tapes. In the event of loss of the tapes or damage to them, compensation by You to ActionAid will be limited to no more than a refund of the part of the fee already paid. All outputs for this production belong to ActionAid and cannot be used for commercial or any personal purpose.
- 8 minutes documentary (showcasing both Edo and Borno stories and project overall impact.
- A 3 minutes short clip on Borno project impact.
- A 3 minutes video on Edo project impact.
- A 90 seconds video highlighting of the project impact (to be used for social media).
- Considering that the project focuses on two states, the stories will be told from different angles for both states.
- The footages from Borno will showcase how the project has supported women to resettle , rebuild their lives and evidence women resilience in emergency and conflict situations.
- For Edo, the footages will showcase how the project is discouraging irregular migration and evidence the impact of the project in the lives of returnees and how the project has made non-returnees stay back to find alternative sources of livelihood within their vicinity.
- At the completion of filming , the cinematographer will submit the following specific deliverables to ActionAid Nigeria:
Assignment Location and Timeline:
- The assignment will require the consultant to visit selected communities for and attend selected MIGRATION project activities at the states (Borno and Edo) and national level to capture rushes. The assignment is expected to cover a six (6) month period. (September 2018 – February 2019) with a total number of 30 working days. Consultant will be paid monthly based on the number of days worked.
Consent & Child Protection Policy
- It is essential that we are to be able to demonstrate that all contributors (non-ActionAid staff) have given informed consent for their names, images and stories to be used. Ideally this should be written consent. A sample consent forms, for individual and a group, are included with this TOR and a final consent form will provided by ActionAid prior to the first content-gathering trip.
- If it is not possible to get written permission (e.g. the situation doesn’t allow, the contributor is not literate) please get a verbal consent on video camera – please include the explanation and request as well as the contributor’s consent.
- If the contributor is under the age of 18, written or on-camera verbal consent must be provided by a parent or legal guardian.
- If written or video consent is not given by the contributors and handed over to ActionAid, we will be unable to use the case study.
Child Protection Policy
The following guidelines are in line with our Child Protection policy:
- The caption of an image of a child should never include the child’s full name (Exception: Child Sponsorship material targeted directly to child sponsors.) We should also never disclose personal details, email, postal address and telephone numbers other than if these details have been knowingly and openly provided by the child themself (See section on Consent Form) and the child is aware that these will be provided with the images.
- Try to show children in their context, showing the reality of their lives, the environments in which they live and the circumstances that make them vulnerable.
- Where possible, show children as active and resourceful. Where relevant, include families, parents or carers.
- Where possible, show how ActionAid works with children, rather than showing them as alone and vulnerable .
- When filming a child, the child’s best interests should always be the primary consideration.
- Filming a child should always be a positive experience for them, providing a potential for learning and enjoyment.
- Never photograph a child with the intent to shame, humiliate or degrade them, or perpetrate any form of emotional abuse.
- Children should never be depicted in erotic, seductive, provocative poses or context (even if illustrating trafficking of girls, for instance).
- Ensure that all children represented in images are suitably dressed. We should never use images of nude children, children that appear to be wearing no clothes or children in transparent clothes. We should also never blur nude areas or use props to cover areas that are not clothed.
Reporting Lines
- The consultant will work, be accountable directly to ActionAid Nigeria’s Communications Coordinator and Manager, Human Security In Conflict.
Terms of Payment:
- He/She shall be responsible for his/her tax and other statutory obligations. ActionAid shall however deduct the statutory 5% With Holding Tax (WHT) and remit to relevant authority. The Consultant should provide AAN his/her Tax Identification Number (TIN) for the purposes of remittance.
- The Consultant will support AAN as agreed in this contract and as subsequently agreed between S(he) and Head of Programmes or any other person authorised to negotiate with him/her on behalf of the organisation. S(he) is therefore to indicate availability within specified timeframe stated in this ToR.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified companies/consultants are invited to apply by sending a CV detailing competencies, links to sample of past works, the execution plan, and any other relevant information, demonstrating skill and experience in this area. to: and cc; with the subject line MIGRATION Photography Consultant.
Application Deadline 26th August, 2018.
- Alll videos and raw rushes/footages captured will be submitted on new external hard drive(s). The cost of harddrive(s) should be built into production cost.
- Applicants should include invoice detailing daily rate. For field visit, please note that ActionAid will cover the cost of accommodation, per diem (feeding) and transportation. This must be submitted electronically
- The selected Photography Consultant (PC) will sign a contract with AAN and is responsible for acquiring other relevant tools needed for the task
- Only awarded contractor will be contacted.