BMI Engages Stakeholders and Government Regulatory Agencies at TWG1
September 27, 2021
PIND Awards N71M Grant for Youth Employment in Delta State
October 4, 2021
Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) is a non-profit organization established in 2010 to support a portfolio of socio-economic development programs in Niger Delta in order to improve standards of living of people in the region.
As part of its Economic Development Program, PIND started the Delta State Youth Employment Program to provide marginalized young people opportunities to sustainable employment or enterprise development through technical, soft skills and entrepreneurship training.
Applications are now open to young people looking for opportunities to develop or improve their skills in various fields such as Agriculture, ICT, Building Construction and Services sectors. The program will be intensive and will last for 6 months.
Criteria for Participation
Age Range: 16 to 30 years of age
Category: Young school leavers with First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) or West African Senior School Certificate (WASSC), Ordinary National Diploma (OND), Higher National Diploma (HND) or Degree holders.
Note: Although this is a sponsored program, participants are expected to bear the cost of their transportation etc. to and from the training center. There will be no starter-packs at the end of the program, rather successful participants will be linked to available employment opportunities or supported to start their small enterprises. Young women, persons living with disability and youth from coastal communities in Delta State are encouraged to apply. All information provided on this form will be used for selection processes only.
Use form below to apply