Senate Pushes for Commencement of Oil and Gas Museum in Oloibiri
October 10, 2019
Request for application – Brief on the status of the SDGs in the Niger Delta
October 15, 2019
To address the growing rate of youth unemployment and under-employment in the Niger Delta, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND), will be training additional 2,000 young men and women to be sustainably employed in the agricultural and Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Building Construction sectors.
The Niger Delta has witnessed conflicts and youth restiveness and as such, the region records some of the highest rates of unemployment in the country.
In 2017, PIND, with support from Ford Foundation, initiated the first phase of the Niger Delta Youth Employment Pathways (NDYEP) Project to actively target youth in three states of Akwa Ibom, Rivers and Abia States. Of the target to train 1,000 youth, over 1,400 completed technical and soft skills training. This included youth who had no prior livelihood skills.
PIND is Tackling Instability and Conflict Through Youth Employment Trainings
PIND is implementing the NDYEP project through a number of implementing partners. In this second phase of the NDYEP project, PIND has provided three categories of small grants to sixteen eligible partner organizations for innovative, demand-led youth training and support for equipping 2, 000 youth trainees with relevant skills for work and job creation in Abia, Akwa Ibom and Rivers States of the Niger Delta.
Want to be part of the 2,000 trainees?
Fill the form below