May 9, 2023
The Conflict Aftermaths of Flooding in Nigeria
May 12, 2023
PIND is a Nigerian non-profit Foundation established in 2010 to support a portfolio of socio-economic development programs in the Niger Delta in order to improve the standards of living of communities in the region. PIND supports projects in collaboration with a diverse range of donor partners including bilateral and multi-lateral aid agencies, federal and state government agencies in Nigeria, private companies, and foundations.
With an overarching goal of increasing income and employment in the region, PIND’s strategy is hinged on 2 main programs supported by 3 key enablers and these are:
- Economic Development: Facilitate inclusive, sustainable, and diversified economic growth enabled by improved analysis, advocacy, and capacity building of market actors.
- Peace Building: Strengthen conflict management systems and capacities for enabling peace & economic growth, utilizing analysis & advocacy to address constraints to peace.
- Enablers: PIND’s program delivery is enabled by an integrated approach that encompasses capacity building, advocacy, communications, gender, and social inclusion.
In response to the challenge posed by the very high rates of unemployment or underemployment in the Niger Delta, particularly amongst the youth population, PIND, with funding support from the Ford Foundation, started implementing the Niger Delta Youth Employment Pathways (NDYEP) Project in the last quarter of 2017. The project maps the ecosystem of skills development, analyzes opportunities for employment creation, and develops models of youth job readiness or workforce development that provide disadvantaged young men and women in the Niger Delta with the opportunity to secure sustainable jobs and enterprises. The project approach involves innovative and quality training that prepares selected youth with market-relevant skills and supports their transition into waged employment or self-employment/entrepreneurship.
- Coordination and monitoring of the implementation of YEP activities in project states.
- Engagement with public and private sector stakeholders through targeted meetings and dissemination events to share and dialogue about action research findings, implementation of outcomes and lessons.
- Focus on building/strengthening the ecosystem of stakeholders, building linkages with private sector entities to identify opportunities for jobs for youth or specific business opportunities in the supply chain of the organizations or value chain of any of the focus sectors.
- Contribute to research design, supervision and review of research outputs coordination with the program management and other team members.
- Expand public and private sector engagement and dialogue leading to internships, employment, business opportunities for start-up enterprises and uptake of program findings.
- Participate in Monitoring and evaluation of Youth Skills for Employment program approaches and activities (including sub-grantees); analysis and dissemination of findings.
- Identification and enlistment of private sector employer partners.
- Data collection and analysis for progress reporting on a quarterly basis.
Interested consultant should submit a curriculum vitae, one-page statement of suitability and expected
professional fees for the proposed position. Application should be emailed to procurement@pindfoundation.org latest close of business 24th May 2023, along with the following mandatory items/supporting documents. It is important for candidates to indicate availability to start work in June 2023, should they be successful.
Mandatory required items from vendors/consultants who intends to bid for any work or service in PIND
1. Means of Personal Identification
2. Résumé in case of a consultant
3. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
4. Bank Reference Letter