Malaria Action Program (MAPS) trained 1,830 health workers in Akwa Ibom
June 24, 2016
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June 29, 2016A three-year project to support rural communities in Nepal has been launched.
BICAS (Building Inclusive and Sustainable Growth Capacity of CSOs (civil society organisations) in Agriculture and Forest Sectors) project will work with women, men and children living in the remote mid and far-western districts of Kalikot, Mugu, Jumla, Bajura and Bajhang.
The project is supported by the European Union and will focus on building the capacity of 45 local organisations to promote inclusive and sustainable growth and increase the income of 7,000 households from agriculture and forest-based enterprises.
The project will also work with communities to implement simple, smart solutions and technologies, including:
- Upgrading 20 traditional water mills with turbines to better extract water (for drinking, crops and livestock)
- Construction of 10Â community managed multi-use water systems for drinking water, irrigation and other services.
- Creation of 25 pond irrigation schemes (10 large, 15 small)
- Creation of a demonstration solar-water lifting pump
- Building and promoting Gravity Goods Ropeways for market linkage