Benin Electricity Distributor to pilot mini-grid systems in Edo State
October 19, 2018The Global Competitiveness Report 2018
October 19, 2018The Goalkeepers Report 2018
The Goalkeepers Report takes a detailed look at progress being made around the globe. This year, both the event and the report will focus on youth population growth that will affect future world progress. If countries invest in the health and education of their young people, we will unlock productivity and innovation, cut poverty, and generate further prosperity. But if we ignore young people’s potential, we risk jeopardizing the progress that has been made.
Download Report Here
ALSO DOWNLOAD: Doing Business in Nigeria – 2018
Strategic Implementation Work Plan (SIWP) for Development in the Niger Delta (2017 – 2019)
World Employment Social Outlook: Trends 2018
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