Malo: Renewable energy can bridge power generation gap
November 23, 2017
Niger Delta Conflict Tracker (September – October 2017)
December 5, 2017By Nchegem Gahia
As we all know in the world today, most countries are faced with one form of conflict or the other and Nigeria is not exempted.
This is a call to Nigerian State Governments to fully domesticate and commit to State Action Plans in implementing UN Resolution 1325 which ensures that special measures are taken to protect women and girls from gender-based violence and other forms of sexual abuse in situations of conflict.
Let’s all speak out for the next 16 days and always against gender-based violence. Leave No One Behind: End Violence Against Women and Girls.
Watch this space for updates on how PIND is marking
ALSO READ: 16 Days of Activism] A Case for Women Empowerment