2nd Avenue, Flat 3, Block 8, SElekahia Housing estate Port Harcourt Rivers NG

Community Initiative for Enhanced Peace and Development is a non- profit, private organization with the aim of promoting community
development by ensuring/ enhancing peaceful co-existence and cooperation. We believe in “Restoring the dignity and worth of human person”! CIEPD stems from the passion to foster development in the rural communities by creating an enable environment for peace building activities – conflict management and resolution through participatory community approach. CIEPD has forged partnerships with civil society organizations and other stakeholders working to ensure peace co-existence and sustainable development of communities in the Niger Delta.


We operate in full-stack project teams, with full-time staff, interns and volunteers working closely together on several projects in the Niger-Delta region. We’re proud of what we’ve done together and we think you’ll be happy too!

ciepd.jpg 8 years ago
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