Akugbene Water Filter Project
April 20, 2015
HarvestPlus Supports Akwa Ibom Farmers with Improved Cassava Stems
April 22, 2015Communities NOT Criminals (Illegal oil refining in the Niger Delta)
An estimated 150,000 barrels of crude oil are stolen every day in Nigeria. The vast majority of this is sold internationally, but approximately 25% stays in the Niger Delta for refining and consumption. Illegal oil refining in the region comes with steep economic and social costs. Unless the problem is better understood and key drivers of the illegal economy are analyzed, the trade could come to undermine the stability of Nigeria’s legal oil sector. Only five years ago, billions of dollars in oil revenue were effectively locked in because of instability and crime in the Niger Delta.
DOWNLOAD  (CommunitiesNotCriminals) by Stakeholders Democracy Network (SDN).